Advanced standing and credits

Gain advanced standing and credits towards a qualification.

Advanced standing or credit may enable you to finish your degree in a shorter period of time.

What is credit?

Credit is the term covering Credit Transfer (CT), Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) in VET programs and Exemption in degree courses. 

Credit is a benefit provided to a student by reduction of one or more of the normal subjects’ requirements to be undertaken for completion of a course based on recognition of an individual's demonstrated knowledge or skills that can be counted towards a qualification.

What is the difference between CT, RPL and Exemption? 

  • You may apply for Credit transfer if you have completed the unit/s previously or completed a separate unit with equivalent curriculum content, learning outcomes and assessments, or if you have completed a combination of units that collectively cover the content and learning outcomes of the unit/s for which you are seeking credit.

  • You may apply for Recognition of Prior Learning  if you can demonstrate that your work and life experiences match one or more of the units in which you have enrolled. You must be able to demonstrate that you have achieved the skills and knowledge equivalent to the learning outcomes of the unit/s. Evidence that demonstrates this achievement may be through a portfolio of evidence. 

  • You may apply for an Exemption if you are enrolling in a Higher Education qualification, and you have done study and/or have work/life experience that meets the learning outcomes of the subject/s. 

What is advanced standing?

Advanced standing is awarded for all types of study or work experience, including:

  • Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualifications

  • Undergraduate and postgraduate degrees from tertiary institutions

  • individual units of study at a tertiary institution

  • relevant work and life experience.

Learning that may count towards credit

Different types of learning are assessed to provide credit towards a qualification:

  • Formal learning is learning that takes place through a structured program of learning that leads to the full or partial achievement of an officially accredited qualification.

  • Non-formal learning is learning that takes place through a structured program of learning that does not lead to an officially accredited qualification.

  • Informal learning is learning gained through work-related or relevant documented life experiences. Unlike formal or non-formal learning, informal learning is not organised or externally structured in terms of objectives, time or learning support. 

Credit processes

You can get credit for previous study or learning through one or more of the following processes:

  • Credit transfer which provides agreed and consistent credit outcomes for components of a qualification based on identified equivalence in curriculum content and learning outcomes between matched qualifications.

  • Recognition of Prior Learning  involves assessment of your relevant prior learning (including formal, informal and non-formal learning) to determine the credit outcomes for credit that may be granted towards completion of a qualification. This is based on demonstrated equivalence in curriculum content and learning outcomes of the subject/s for which you are seeking credit.

How to apply for credit, including RPL

Apply using the Application for Credit form and submit your application and supporting material as directed on the form. The relevant faculty will assess your credit application.

VET programs

You can apply for credit based on credit transfer using the Application for Credit form and submit your application and supporting material as directed on the form.

To apply for credit based on recognition of prior learning in VET programs, you should discuss the opportunities for credit based on RPL during your pre-training review interview.

Higher education programs

You can apply for Exemption (EX) using the Application for Credit form and submit your application and supporting material as directed on the form. 

How much credit can I apply for?

VET programs

It is possible to apply for credit for units that make up a maximum of 75 per cent of the entire VET qualification for study completed at another education provider. You must undertake study and assessment in the remaining units that make up the other 25 per cent of the VET qualification as a Holmesglen student. Note that when seeking credit for study completed at another education provider, you will need to provide the necessary evidence to prove you have the skills and knowledge for the relevant unit/s or subject/s.

Higher Education programs

The maximum allowable credit limits for higher education programs are set out in the Articulation and Credit Policy (Higher Education)

Supporting documents

For credit gained from formal learning, you must provide all of the following documents relating to your previous study:

  • an academic transcript (original or certified copy)

  • an explanation of what the results mean (usually found on the back of the transcript).

  • an extract from the handbook of the institute where you completed your study, detailing the course structure and credit points of the course subjects (or equivalent weighting of the course). 

  • a unit/subject outline including the assessment requirements for each unit/subject on which you are basing your application for credit.

For credit gained from non-formal learning, examples of documentation that need to be provided include:

  • evidence of completion of the structured learning program (original or certified copy)

  • a description or outline of the structured learning program  

  • statements from employers or other organisations demonstrating how previous experience relates to the learning outcomes

  • a personal statement demonstrating how unit curriculum content and learning outcomes have been met through the non-formal learning

  • evidence of professional accreditation, if relevant.

For credit gained from informal learning, examples of documentation that need to be provided include: 

  • a CV or resume outlining relevant work history

  • statements from employers or other organisations demonstrating how previous experience relates to the learning outcomes

  • a personal statement demonstrating how unit/subject curriculum content and learning outcomes have been met through relevant work experience

  • evidence of professional accreditation. 

All documents must be relevant, valid, sufficient and current.

International documents/qualifications not issued in English

If the original document is not issued in English, an official translation from a recognised translation service listed below must also be provided:

  • the Awarding institution

  • National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI) accredited translator in Australia

  • a Notary Public Office

  • the official government body

  • an official and accredited translator*

*Official translations are subject to review by Holmesglen Institute. 

Students may be required to provide further supporting documentation.


Completed credit applications must be received within four weeks of the commencement of the course.

Why are there timelines for credit applications?

It will take you some time to collect your evidence, and then it will take the Assessor time to go through your evidence and assess it against the assessment criteria for the unit/s or subject/s.  We allow you two weeks to collect your evidence and we allow the Assessor two weeks to assess your evidence after you have submitted it. Your result/s then need to be recorded in the Student Management System. This process needs to be completed within the first four weeks of class.  If the timelines are missed by you or the Assessor, your application will not be processed until the following semester.

Why do I have to attend classes if I have submitted an RPL application?

You need to attend classes until you are notified of the decision on your application. This takes at least four weeks from the start of classes, and sometimes longer depending on the number of units for which you are applying for RPL. If your application is not successful, you can continue attending classes and do the usual assessments at no extra cost. If you have not attended classes while your application is being assessed and you are unsuccessful, you will need to enrol in the units in the next semester and pay fees again.

What can I do if I am not happy about my credit decision?

You can appeal against a decision by making an appointment to see the Head of your teaching department to discuss the decision. The Head of the Department may refer your appeal to the Dean of the Faculty/Centre. 

Articulation pathways from VET courses into degrees

If a VET course has been studied at Holmesglen or another registered training organisation, the exemptions/advanced standing (unit/subject credits) will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the relevant faculty. The number of unit/subject credits may vary depending on elective units successfully completed with any VET qualification. There is a maximum number of credit points for which exemption can be granted for each qualification. The minimum time to complete a degree is dependent on subject availability.

Holmesglen credit arrangements for VET programs studied at Holmesglen

Holmesglen has a range of approved articulations that enable students who have completed a specified VET qualification at Holmesglen to be granted credit towards specific Holmesglen degrees. The number of subject credits may vary depending on elective units successfully completed with any qualification. For more information, please refer to the Credit Arrangements for VET Programs Studied at Holmesglen (PDF 114kb)


Holmesglen credit arrangements with other providers

Holmesglen has a number of partnership arrangements with other educational institutions that enable students who complete qualifications at these institutions to be granted credit towards Holmesglen's courses. For more information, please refer to the Credit arrangements with other providers. (PDF - 147kb)