Growing demand for gaming qualifications as industry rapidly expands

A growing number of young Victorians are turning their gaming hobby into a promising career in the thriving digital game development industry.

A growing number of young Victorians are turning their gaming hobby into a promising career in the thriving digital game development industry. The demand for game design and development courses is surging and starting salaries for junior developers range from $60,000 per year to $150 per hour, with experienced professionals earning over $115,0001 .

Holmesglen Institute offers two course options in game design and development.

The ICT40120 Certificate IV in Information Technology (Gaming Development) equips students with essential skills such as 3D modelling and sculpting, asset and level design, animation, and user interface development.

· For learners looking to further enhance their expertise, the dual program ICT50220 Diploma of Information Technology (Game Art and Design) with Diploma of Information Technology (Game Programming) builds on these skills and provides in-depth knowledge of C# programming and 3D artwork techniques.

Marilou Fisher, Senior Educator Computing and IT at Holmesglen explains that there is a growing demand for gaming qualifications due to the digital gaming industry establishing itself as the largest business sector in the entertainment industry globally. Enrolment numbers for gaming certificate and diploma courses at Holmesglen have seen a 5 per cent increase this year, along with a noticeable rise in international student enrolments.

Australia is also becoming a hub for the rapidly expanding gaming industry, with revenues reaching $226.5 million in 2021, a 22 per cent increase from the previous year. 

A game design and development course at Holmesglen opens numerous employment opportunities in this exciting and diverse industry. Graduates can find themselves working in roles such as 3D art, animation, VR design, programming, and quality assurance, and can also explore related fields. Some learners have even successfully developed popular games for platforms like Oculus Quest in collaboration with industry partner Liminal VR while completing their course.

Tom Melling, a Holmesglen graduate, studied ICT50220 Diploma of Information Technology (Game Art and Design, and Game Programming) after rediscovering his passion for gaming. While in high school, gaming allowed him to unleash his creativity by envisioning ideas, worlds, and characters. Although life circumstances prevented him from pursuing the course earlier, the spare time during the COVID-19 pandemic reignited his passion.

Tom currently works as a Technical Officer at Holmesglen’s Victorian Tunnelling Centre. He manages simulation and virtual reality labs, overseeing heavy vehicle and underground mining simulators, as well as various VR devices used for safety training.

Tom and fellow Holmesglen gaming graduate Site Li have established their own studio, Secret Ants, and they are collaborating on an upcoming game development project. Tom credits the course for providing him with the skills and confidence to achieve his dream of opening his own gaming studio.

“Here is where I put everything I’ve learned into practice. Time management, 3D art, programming, even things like IP and copyright, and working as part of an effective team. Without the course there is no way we’d have been able to get as far as we have,’’ says Tom

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